विषय सूची पर जायें

Apasmaara Chikitsaa

C.Chi.10, S.U.61, A.H.U.7, N.R. अपस्मार

अपस्मार is one of the Maha Agadhaअपस्मार is a disease in which memory (Smriti), intellect (Buddhi) and mind (Sattva) get flowed out all together, characterized by loss of consciousness and disgusting movements by the patient. This is a momentary phase (Aavasthika) in which patient grope in the dark (Tamah Praves`ha).

Classification of अपस्मार:

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Saannipaatika

Saamaanya Chikitsaa:

        Foremost aim of the physician here should be getting rid of the occlusion caused due to the Dosha in the channels of Hridaya and Manas.
        To restore the normalcy such of the remedial measures which are Teekshn`a in nature are to be adopted.
        All such measures which are described for उन्माद should be adopted especially Puraan`a Sarpi paana and अभ्यंग with the same. Also, Graha chikitsa should be applied.
        Sus`hruta has also advised the worship of Lord Rudra.
        Vein should be punctured in temporal, forehead and chest regions.

Vis`hesha Chikitsaa:

        Vaataja Apasmaara: Basti
        Pittaja Apasmaara: Virechana
        Kaphaja Apasmaara: वमन.

  • After the patient is being given conditioned सौषधं, should be consoled well and then proper palliative treatment is to be adopted. Other treatment modalities like Dhoopana, Anjana, Lepa, Abhyanga, Utsaadana, Avasechana, Pradhamana Nasya etc. are very useful.
  • In cases where Aagantuja (external) factors are involved secondarily, there may be signs and symptoms which are different to that of the Doshaja Apasmaara; in such cases line of treatment as per Aagantuja Unmaada should be adopted.
  • As this disorder is as a result of vitiation of both the S`haareerika and Maanasika Dosha and takes Aashraya in the Maha Marmas i.e, Hridaya and ManasRasayana treatment should be adopted as it is a Krichra Sadhya Vyadhi.

The patients suffering from the above should be always protected from water, fire, trees, stones and stony surface and uneven places


        Rasa – Lavan`a
        Dhaanya – Lohita S`haalee, Godhuma, Mudga,
        S`haaka – Pat`ola, Vachaa, Vaastuka, S`higru, Haritakee, Rasona
        Maamsa – Kachchhapa Maamsa, Jaangala Maamsarasa
        Dugdha – Ghrita, Dugdha
        Drava – Braahmee Svarasa, Tail, Gomootra, As`hvamootra, Gaganaambu
        Phala – Puraan`a Kushmaan`d`a, Madhura Daad`ima, Draakshaa, Aamalakee, Parushaka
        Kritaanna – Talita Rasona, Dugdha + Bhakta
        अन्य – Nasya, S`hirovirechana, Daana, Traasana, Bhaya, Harsha, Dhomapaana


        Gun`a – Teekshn`a, Ushn`a, Guru
        Dhaanya – Maasha, Aad`hakee
        S`haaka – Bimbee
        Maamsa – Matsya
        Drava – Madya
     अन्य – Malina, As`huchi Bhojana, Viruddhaanna Sevana, Chintaa, S`hoka, Bhaya, Krodha, S`hrama, Trishn`Aad`hakee, Nidraa, Kshudhaa Vegadhaaran`a

Last updated on February 15th, 2021 at 08:36 am

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