Prakaara Paribhaashaa:
- +ºÉˆÉɪÉÉæ ¨ÉÚJÉä {ÉÚhÉæ MÉhbÚü¹É&, Eú´É™üÉä%xªÉlÉÉ* A.. H.. Su. 22/12
- Kavala means gargling by a liquid medicine.
- Snigdha Kavala
- S`hamana Kavala / Prasaadana Kavala
- सौषधं Kavala
- Ropan`a Kavala
Poorvakarma (Prerequisites):
- नस्य administration if Kavala is administered as a post procedural management.
Patient preparation:
- Mridu Svedana should be administered over Skandha, Gala, Kapola, Lalaat`a, Sira and Manyaa region.
- This should be followed by massage over those regions.
Medicine preparation:
- According to the types.
- The procedure should be conducted at a place with Aatapa (sunrays) and free from wind flow.
- The patient should sit holding his mouth in slight upward direction i.e. neck extended.
- Swallowing of the medicine should be avoided.
- When secretions start appearing through the ear, eyes or nose or the mouth gets filled with Kapha, the medicine should be spitted out. Then again medicine should be withheld for second time. Medicine should be retained till it becomes impossible to hold it any longer due to appearance of secretions. Then again medicine should be withheld for second time.
Other Description:
- Kavala can be done as a daily procedure and for this Tila Taila or Maamsarasa should be used.
- Mainly the action of Kavala is at the level of Gala and Kan`t`ha.
- Kavala is contraindicated in children below the age of 5 years.
- Kavala should be administered with Teekshn`a Dravya in Kaphaja Trishn`aa.
Last updated on April 29th, 2021 at 09:30 am