फ़ॉन्ट आकार बदलें
विषय सूची पर जायें


C.Su. 13, C.Si 5 & 6, S.Chi 34 & 39, A. H. Kalpa Siddhi 3&5, A.H.Su.16.

The term Vyaapad has various denotations, complicated condition occurred due to inadequate consumption of diet or improper administration of drugs or surgical/ therapeutic procedure called Vyaapad.

व्यापद may also be due to some causative factors associated with lifestyle.

Following व्यापद are mentioned in classical text

  • Sneha Vyaapad
  • Vamana Vyaapad
  • Virechana Vyaapad
  • Basti Vyaapad
  • Nasya Vyaapad

Sneha Vyaapad
When Sneha is administered to the patient having (Prabala) Udeern `a Pitta in Grahan`ee with strong Agni status; Sneha is instantly digested.In addition, this gets Agni vitiated which also expels out the Ojas from the bodyleading to intense दाह and Trishn`aa.This episode even can lead to death.

Moreover, Sneha that is administered without consideration of factors like KaalaAahaaraVihaara, Maatra, Arha, Anarha can cause following disorders-

  1. Tandraa
  2. Utkles`ha
  3. Anaaha
  4. ज्वर
  5. Stambha
  6. Visadnyataa
  7. कुष्ठ
  8. Kan`d`oo
  9. Paan`d`oo
  10. S`hopha
  11. अर्श
  12. Aruchi
  13. तृष्णा
  14. Jat`haraDosha
  15. Grahan`ee Dosha
  16. Staymitya
  17. Vaakyagraha
  18. S`hoola
  19. AamaDosha

Vamana Virechana Vyaapad
In Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtaanga Hridaya respectively10, 15 and 12 व्यापद of Vamana-Virechana are mentioned.

Common व्यापद of वमन and Virechana

  1. Saavas`heshaushadha
    Residual Vamaka or Virechaka drug in small quantity when gets mixed with Dosha it is but incapable to expel Dosha causing symptoms like तृष्णादाहKlamaAnga sadanaभ्रम etc.
    This condition is called Saavas`heshaushadha.
  2. Jeern`aushadhatva
    In patients of Krira Kosht`ha or Teekshn`aagni the drug which is given for सौषधं gets digested like food and hence is unable to remove the agitated Dosha in appropriate time to produce complications like Vyaadhi Vibrama (Irritation in Kost`ha etc. ) or Balavibrams`ha. This condition is called Jeern`aushadhatva. This is termed as Paaka Vyaapati by Vaagbhat`a.
  3. Heena Dosha Aphritatvta
    When Vaamaka drug is administered for the purpose of सौषधं without any Poorvakarma like Svedana and Snehana it is not able to expel Dosha. The residual Utkleshita Dosha causes augmentation of disease associated with heaviness of body, Utkles`ha and Hridaya As`huddhi. In case of Virechaka drug, it leads to causes augmentation of disease associated with Guda Parikartana, Aadhmaana etc. This condition is called HeenaDosha Aphritatvta.
  4. Vaatas`hoola
    When drug is administered for the purpose of सौषधं without any Poorvakarma like Svedana and Snehana and the patient is without abstinence it causes the Prakopa of Vaata leading to chest pain, fainting etc. This condition is called Vaatas`hoola. This is termed as Grathitatva Vyaapati by Vaagbhat`a.
  5. Ayoga
    When drug is administered for the purpose of सौषधं without any Poorvakarma like Svedana and Snehana furthermore is given inlow dose or less potency it is unable to expel Dosha, but the stimulated Dosha cause Balakshaya which give rise to symptoms like Hridaya Graha etc. If emesis is not induced properly than the aggravated Dosha spread in the bodyleading to symptoms like itching, urticaria, fever etc.Inadequate Virechana leads to various symptoms like pain in abdomen below umbilicus etcThis condition is called Ayoga.
    Ayoga also means inadequate expulsion of Dosha or expulsion from opposite route or stressful expulsion of Dosha.
  6. Atiyoga
    When a patient of Ati Mridu Kost`ha has undergone Poorvakarma like Svedana and Snehana in gratuitous and intense amount and in addition the drug administered to him /her is in high dose then it leads to this व्यापद.
    वमन Atiyoga
    Pitta Dosha is eliminated in large quantity, Ojas, Bala also is depleted, and Vaata Dosha gets aggravated.
    Virechana Atiyoga
    Kapha Dosha is expelled out excessively associated with Bloodcausing the depletion of Ojas and Bala whichresulting severe aggravation of Vaata Dosha.
  7. Jeevaadaana
    Jeevana (sustenance of life) is the main functionof Rakta Dhaatu.
    If in Vaamana or Virechana Atiyoga there is an excessive blood loss associated with other symptoms, this condition is called Jeevaadaana. Physician should differentiate this conditionfrom रक्तपित्त by using following method.Blood should be mixed with food items like barley powder (Saktu) and placed in front of animals like dog, crow. If it is live blood then the animal eats it. If an animal does not consume it, then it should be diagnosed as RaktaPitta.
  8. Aadhamaana
    If the सौषधं drug is neither unctuous nor lukewarm and if administered to a patient which is having BahuDoshaavasthaa or having residual food , with Rookshatva and Vaatapradhaana Kost`ha or suffering from उदावर्त it leads to flatulence causing retention of urine and stools and distended abdomen etc, this condition is called as Aadhmaana.
  9. Parikartikaa
    Patient which is fatigued and emaciated or with condition like Ati Mridu Kosht`ha , Rookshatva, Loss of appetitewhen is induced for सौषधं with intense and drastic drug added with salt it causes cutting pain at umbilicus, genitals, anus bladder orhead with Aruchi and obstruction of Vaata.

    Patient which is fatigued, and emaciated associated with Rookshatva, Ati Mridu Kosht`ha and who has undergone Snehana ,when is induced for सौषधं with intense and Drastic drug causes pain in abdomen and Sarakta Sapichchha Sraava from Guda with a cutting pain in rectal region this condition is also called as Parikartikaa.
  10. Parisraava
    Patient with Krira Kosht`ha in BahuDosha Avasthaaif is administered with सौषधं the drug in less amountthe drug is not capable to expel out the stimulated Dosha ,which causes continuous secretion of Dosha of Pitta and Kapha causing debility, Udara Visht`hambha etc. This condition is called as Parisraava.
  11. प्रवाहिका
    If the सौषधं Drug is administered toAti Rooksha patient than if the drug impels the flatus and stools with no urge than due to excessive straining the patient may cause dysentery.
    In Atisnigdha patient the drug if impels flatus and stools with urge, and at the same time if the patient suppress the urge it may cause dysentery this condition is called Pravaahikaa.
  12. Hridyaopasaaran`a
    When the सौषधं drug induces urge of emesis or of purgation and if the patient suppress the urge the aggravated Dosha enters in the Hridaya with is one of the main vital point causing excessive pain in chest, fainting etc. This conditionis called as Hridyaopasaaran`a
  13. Vibandha
    The patient who lives in cold temperature, drinks cold water and is habitual of cold air contact if administered S`hodhana, drug gets obstructed in body channels and gets coagulated and colossal causing obstruction of Vaata, urine and stools .This condition is called as Vibandha.
  14. Angapragraha/Angagraha
    Suppression of urge of सौषधं drug is administered to the patient or suppression of urge Kapha Dosha during urge causes vitiation of Vaatadi Dosha leading to Stiffness in body and tremors, pricking pain etc .
  15. Adhogati of Vamana
    When the emetic drug is administered to hungry patient of Teekshn`aAgni , Mridu Kost`hi or a weak patient the emetic drug undergoes Paaka due to Teekshn`aAgni and due to Mridu Kost`ha with equivalent Sara and Drava Gun`a attains Adhogati(it causes Purgation).
  16. Oordhvagati of VirechanaL
    In patients ofhaving As`huddha Aamaas`haya , having residual undigested food in stomach with Utklisht`a Kapha (stimulated Kapha)
    If administered a drug which is not palatable and is in excess dose the drug moves in upward direction causing vomiting., thus the desired objective is hindered and Dosha (Pitta ) is aggravated.

व्यापद described by Charaka

This व्यापद is caused due to suppression of urge of वमन which causes vitiation of Vaatadi Dosha causing obstruction in the rhythmic function of Hridaya leading to various symptoms like MoorchaaDanta Kit`kit`aayana etc.

Three types of Vibrams`ha are described as follows.

Guda Brams`ha:
Prolapse of rectum is caused due toAtiyogaofVirechana.

Samdnyanaas`ha/ Vibrams`ha:
Fainting or unconsciousness is caused due toAtiyogaofVirechana.

Kan`d`vaadi Vibrams`ha:
Caused due to Ayoga of Vamana/Virechana . When S`hodhana drug is administered to patient and if the drug stops it action after removal of stools i.e. .the drug is not capable to remove the Dosha like Pitta and Kapha and no Pittadars`hana or Kaphadars`hana is observed than these Dosha get vitiated causing disorders like itching etc.

When a patient of Snigdha or Mridu Kost`ha is induced a Mridu Bheshaja than the drug causes vitiation of Kapha and Pitta obstructing Vaata leading to Taandra and Gurutaa and Klama.

When सौषधं drug is administered to a Snigdha individual than due to Maardavatva of the drug it causes Avritatva of Dosha causing obstruction of stimulated Dosha from their origin, this leads to obstruction of Mala Vaata and Guda Stambha and S`hoola .This व्यापद is called Stambha. When Durbala or Rooksha patient is subjected to Virechana with Rooksha drug than it leads to vitiation of Vaata causing further unconsciousness, extreme pain and Stiffness. This व्यापद is called Stambha.

Gaurava Vyaapati:
If the drug is given remains stagnant due to S`heetopachaara and AamaDosha it causes Utklesha of Dosha leading to various disorders.

Sarva Gaatra Parigraha Vyaapati:
When the S`hodhana drug is administered to the patient and if urge is suppressed by him /her or if there is obstruction of Vaata due to Kapha or if there is Atiyoga of vamana and Virechana it leads to Vaata Parkopa casuing stiffness in body organs .

Causes of व्यापद

  1. Akaala
  2. Alpa Maatra yukta
  3. Atimaatrayukta
  4. Puraan`a
  5. Asamskrita
  6. Asamyaka drugs when administered for सौषधं cause Vyaapad.
  7. Any one of incompetent Chatuspaada causes Vyaapad.

Equvivalent symptoms in Vamana and Virechana


Basti Vyaapad

Vaagbhat`a has described BastiVyaapad

  1. 6 due to Ayoga
  2. 6 due to Atiyoga

Vyaapad due to Ayoga

  1. Vibandha
  2. Gaurava
  3. Aadhmaana
  4. S`hirahas`hoola
  5. Pravahikaa
  6. Sraava

Vyaapad due to Atiyoga

  1. Kukshi s`hoola
  2. Angamarda
  3. हिक्का
  4. Hritpeed`aa
  5. Kartana
  6. Srava

Types of Bastivyaapad

Basti VyaapadCharakaShuruta

Basti Vyaapad described by Sushruta

Basti VyaapadNumber

Bastinetra Dosha

  1. Atihrasvatvam Due to this the drug will not reach up to Pakvaas`haya
  2. Ati deerghataa The drug will go deep
  3. Tanutaa Causes irritation in anal region
  4. Sthoolataa Will cause Atikars`han`a
  5. Jeern`ataa Leads to Guda Kshan`ana
  6. S`hithilabandhataa Drug will come out of the Bastiput`aka
  7. Paars`hva chhidra Causes pain in anus
  8. Vakrataa Slanting of the drug after administration is observed.(C.Si 5/4)

Basti Pran`idhaana Dosha

  1. Netra vichalitatam
  2. Vivartitam-
  3. Atyukshiptam
  4. Avasanna
  5. Tiryak kshitpam
  6. Paars`hvaavapidiatam

Basti Peed`ana Dosha

  1. Atipid`ataa
  2. S`hithilapid`ataa
  3. Bhooyaavapid`ana
  4. Kaalatikramataa

Basti Dosha

  1. Bahalatva
  2. Alpatva
  3. Sachhidratva
  4. Prasteern`ataa
  5. Durbaddhtaa

BastiDravya Dosha

  1. Aamataa
  2. Heenataa
  3. Atimaatrataa
  4. Atis`hitataa
  5. Atyusn`ataa
  6. Ati teekshn`ataa
  7. Atimridutaa
  8. Atisnigdhataa
  9. Atirookshataa
  10. Atisaandrataa
  11. Atidravtaa

BastiS`hayayaa Dosha (Dehasthiti)

  1. Aavaaka S`hira
  2. Uchchha S`hira
  3. Nyoobja Deha sthiti
  4. Uttana Deha sthiti
  5. Samkoochita Deha sthiti
  6. Dakshin`aa Paars`hva Deha sthiti
  7. Pradaana (Sitting position)

BastiPut`aka Vyaapada

  1. Vishama BastiPut`aka – Causes Gativaishamya of Basti
  2. Maamsala BastiPut`aka- Causes Visragandhatva
  3. Chhidrayukta BastiPut`aka- The drug may come out through the punctured Bastiput`aka
  4. Sthoola BastiPut`aka- It is difficult to induce Basti with heavy BastiPut`aka
  5. Jaala yukta BastiPut`aka- Fluid may come through the Jaala
  6. Vaatala BastiPut`aka – Causes froth in theBastiDravya
  7. Atisnigdha BastiPut`aka –This may slip through the hands ofBastiDaata.
  8. Atiklinna BastiPut`aka- This type of Put`aka is difficult to hold.

Vaidya – Aatura Nimittaja Vyaapaad

Due to 8 following status Sneha basti does not return

  1. Due to Tridoshaavasthaa
  2. As`hanaabhibhoota (suppressed by meals)
  3. Malavyamis`hrita
  4. Doraanupravis`hta
  5. Asvinna sneha
  6. Anush`a
  7. Alpabhuktatvat/Anas`hantvaat
  8. Alpa sneha bhukatvat

Vaidya nimittaja Vyaapaad

  1. Aadhamaana
  2. Parikartikaa
  3. Parisraava
  4. प्रवाहिका
  5. Hridyopasaaran`a
  6. Anagapragraha
  7. Atiyoga
  8. Jeevaadaana
  9. Ayoga

Aatura Nimittaja Upadrava

  1. Krodha
  2. Prishrama
  3. S`hoka
  4. Maithuna
  5. Divaasvaapa
  6. Uchchha Bhaashan`a
  7. Yaanayaana
  8. Atibhraman`a
  9. Sheetala jala sevana
  10. Vaata sevana
  11. Aatapa sevana
  12. Viruddhaaahaarasevana
  13. Adhyas`hana
  14. Asaatmya Bhojana
  15. Chiraakaalaaasana

Basti Dosha (C.Si.5/20-21)

Basti Dosha Related ToDoshaव्यापद

Anuvaasana (Sneha)Bastivyaapad

This is due to administration of too cold or Alpamaatra Basti in Vaatadhikya leads to Vaatavritta Sneha Basti in which the Bastidravya is not returned.

This is due to administration of too hot BastiDravya leads to Pittaavritta Sneha Basti.

This is due to administration of too Mridu AnuvaasanaBasti leads to Kaphaa vritta Snehabasti

This is due to administration of GuruBasti Dravya after Atibhojana leads to Annaavritta Sneha Basti

Pureeshaavritta Sneha Basti:
This is due to administration Alpa Bala Yukta AnuvaasanaBasti in Adhika Malasanchaya leads to Malaavritta Sneha Basti.

If Bastiis administered in Abhukta status it will move in upward direction, as the body channels are open the Bastidravya goes up to throat is secreted from upper body channels like Nose Mouth etc.

Bastidaataa Dosha

If Basti is induced without air deflation completely it causes Vaataprakopa.

If Bastinetra is inserted and removed vigorously it will cause pain in anus pelvic region and thigh.

If Bastinetra is inserted moved in upwards direction it will cause pain in anus pelvic region and thigh.

If Bastinetra is inserted tilted then the medicine will not enter properly.

If Basti is deflated and inflated long time it obstructs the Vaata in Guda Pradesha leading to pain in chest region and headache also sluggishness in thighs is observed.

Trembling administration of Basti leads to trauma in anal region causing दाह and S`hotha.

If Basti administered is, very fast, it reaches up to the throat or it may not return.

Atinirharan`a /Parvesha janya:
Constant insertion and expulsion of BastiNetra leads to cutting and trauma to Guda Valee

The drug does not reachat Pakvaas`haya or returns very fast.

Manda Vegajanya:
If Basti is administered slowly it doesnt reach up to Pakvaas`haya .


If Bastidravya which is administered is too cold or less in quantitytoo viscous less unctuous, in patient ofhaving Vaataprakopa status or Guru (KriraKosht`ha individuals, Rooksha individuals, it causes irritation (Kshobha) in Dosha and expels Dosha creating heaviness in Kosht`ha and obstructs Apaana Vaata, Mala Mootra. This व्यापद is called Ayoga.

After Snehana and Svedana if a patient of Mridu Kosht`ha is induced with intense and hot drug it causes Atiyoga.

If the patient having residual Aama Dosha is induced with Mridu NiroohaBastithan it causes aggravation of Pitta Kapha Aama Dosha which leads to obstruction of Vaata causing symptoms like Klama.

If in patients of Maaha Dosha i.e.Bahu Doshaavasthaa , or in Krira Aas`haya or Rooksha individuals if the Basti of Alpa veerya is induced theBasti is Aavritta by Dosha causing obstruction of Vaata this obstructed Vaata reverts its normal mode and causes Aadhmaana .

If Ati Teekshn`a Bastiis induced to Durbala Rugn`a or Mridu Kosht`hi patient it expels Dosha excessively of causing Hikaa.

Hridaya Gati Praapta:
If Ati Teekshn`a Basti is or if Vaata YuktaBasti Dravya is induced of whileadministration ofBasti theBasti is not pressedproperly than theBasti drug enters in cardiac region and causes complications.

After administration of theBastiif the patient suppresses theurge of Mala Mootra or Vaata or if theBastiadministered forcefully the drug is expelled out through mouth.

In BahuDosha Avasthaa after Basti is administered after Snehana Svedana that is Mridu or less in quantity Basti, it is unable to expel total Dosha causing Pravahikaa.

In Durbala, Krirakost`hi, Patients having Teevra Dosha (BahuDosha Avasthaa)if the Bastidravya administered is Mridu, Tanu,S`heetala or in low dose the Basti is Aavritta by Dosha. This Avritta Basti causes obstruction of Vaata. This Basti is proliferated through channels of Vaata in body in joints and head. It remains in head for some time and comes down causing S`hiras`hoola.

If Basti isadministered without any Poorvakarma like Snehana Svedana it expels out Dosha in excessive amount causing Stabdhataa in Kosht`ha and Aavrittatva of Vaatacausing pain in bodyand Kosht`ha.

If a Mridu Kost`hi or Alpa Dosha Yukta patient is induced with Basti of Rooksha , Teekshn`a attributes and in over dose.

If a patient is sufeering from Pitta predominant disorders and if the Basti administered is of Amla or Lavan`a Rasa , Teekshn`a attribute and is hot it scrape of the Anus and causes incision and burning sensation (दाह) , this irritant Basti expels out Rakta and Pitta in various flush in profuse amount leading to unconsciousness.

Nasya vyaapaad

Nasya vyaapada occurs due to following reasons

  • Dosha utkles`ha nimittaja 2) Doshakshayanimittaja
  1. Heena maatra
  2. Atimaatra
  3. Ati sheeta nasya dravya
  4. Ati ushn`a nasya dravya
  5. Sahasaa Prayoga
  6. Pravilambita S`hira
  7. Vichalita S`hira
  8. Uchchhitaangata S`hira
  9. Nasya Abhyavaharan`a Samaye pradaanama
  10. Nishiddha Dina Nasya pradaanam

Last updated on February 26th, 2021 at 05:55 am

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