विषय सूची पर जायें

Raajayakshma Chikitsaa

C.Chi.8, S.U.41, A. H.Chi.5, N.R. Kshayaroga


  • शोष -This is a disease in which a person gets wasted, dried out.
  • Yakshmaa-A disease with many complications like S`hvaasa, Kaasa, etc. (It is a disease which needs continuous monitoring and attention like a deity.)
  • Kshaya it lowers down the physical and mental activities.

राजयक्ष्मा is a disease having:

  • Many diseases as prodromal signs.
  • It is very difficult to assess a disease as per the quality and quantity of vitiation of Dosha_s (Ams`hams`ha Kalpanaa)
  • It is very difficult to cure, it is Krichhrasaadhya
  • The strength of disease itself is more as it dominates over the strength of a patient.

Note: – As the disease progresses the Dhaatu are substantively depleted and their wastes increase proportionately. The solid food the fecal matter controls the Agni and Vaayu activity in the body and it is also responsible for physical power to a certain extent, hence the sages advice protection of Pureesha in all the stages of management of Raajayakshamaa.

Saamanya Chikitsaa:

  • The guideline for management of Raajayakshamaa is to assess the strength of the patient, his Dosha_and his Agni, then decide upon the course of treatment.
  • One, who has good self-control, has good digestive capacity with no emaciation and the disease of recent origin should be taken up for treatment.
  • After purification therapies, when the digestive power is restored and the complications are allayed, the patient should be given bulk promoting diet.

Avasthika Chikitsaa:


  • Svedana
  • अभ्यंग
  • Dhooma
  • Lepa
  • Parisheka
  • S`hamana

S`hiras`hoola and Parsh`va Shoola:

  • Pralepa
  • अभ्यंग
  • Parisheka
  • S`hamana
  • Raktamoksh`ana by
  • Sh`ringa
  • Alaabu
  • Jalauka
  • Vyadhana

Bahudosha Avastha:

The recipes should contain Sneha (ghee) and should not be Karshan`a (depleting) in nature.
The recipes should be in accordance with the strength of the patient.
After the Kosht`ha has been cleansed the S`hamana therapy should be adopted.

Ati Kapha Praseka:

As Vaata Dosha is the main culprit behind it should be treated with Snigdha (unctuous) and Ushn`a (hot) remedies.


Similar चिकित्सा as Sleshmaati Praseka; added to that all such diet and drinks which are Hridya and which alleviate Vaata Dosha should be adopted.


Agni Deepana
Vaktra S`huddikara
Atisaara Nigrahan`a
Aruchi Chikitsaa


राजयक्ष्मा associated with fever and burning sensation should be given the formulations described for ज्वर (fever) along with ghee.

Importance of Maamsa in राजयक्ष्मा:

The meat should be suitably selected and prepared as per the patients requirements.

  • They are nourishing
  • To promote the muscle tissues.
  • Meat of carnivorous animals is Teeksh`na, Ushn`a and Laghu.

Baahya Chikitsaa:

A patient should take tub bath containing warm Sneha (oil, ghee), milk, and water. These baths help to open the obstructed channels and promote strength. This should be followed by gentle massage after smearing his/her body with Sneha.

Similar चिकित्सा:

All the complications such as hoarseness of voice etc. should be treated as per their respective treatment schedule and in accordance with the context as described in the classics

Vyavaayaja Shosha:

  • Generally Vaataja disorders afflict the person suffering from Vyavaayaja शोष, hence Promotive measures which are unctuous and Vaata alleviating should be adopted.
  • If one uses regularly faeces, urine, milk, ghee, blood, meat, and the patient should spend his days with a herd of goats etc. definitely gets rid of the disease- Raajayakshma.


One suffering from this ailment should

  • Abstain from:
  • Grief
  • Sex
  • Anger
  • Jealousy
  • Should:
  • Entertain noble ideas.
  • Worship physicians, Braahman`a, Gods, elders and teachers
  • Listen to holy incantations from Braahman`a.


Rasa- Madhura
Dhaanya- Godhuma, Rakta S`haalee, Shasht`ika S`haalee, Yava
S`haaka- S`higru Phala
S`himbee- Mudga, Chan`aka
Maamsa- Ajaa Maamsa, Kravyaada Maamsa, Jaangala Maamsa Rasa, Harin`a
Dugdha- Ajaa Navaneeta, Dugdha, Ghrita, Goghrita, Maahisha Ghrita
Drava- Madya, Kaambalika
Phala- Bakula Phala, Badara Phala, Pakva Kadalee, Panasa, Aamra, Aamalakee, Kharjoora, Naarikela, Taad`a Phala, Draaksha
Kritaanna- Raaga, Khand`ava, Ves`havaara, S`hikharin`ee
Other- Mis`hreyaa, Pushkaramoola, Saindhava, Vaasaa, Khan`a S`harkaraa, Karpoora, Kasturee, Chandana


Rasa- Amla, Tikta, Kashaaya, Kat`u
Gun`a- Rooksha, Vidaahee
S`haaka- Karkot`aka, Kaaravellaka, Parn`a S`haaka, Vetraagra, Hingu, Vaartaaka, Sarshapa
S`himbee- Kulattha, Maasha, Rasona
Phala- Kalingad`am, Badara, Phala
Other- Kshaara, Virechana, Mala Mootraadi Vega Dhaaran`a, Svedana, Anjana, Jaagaran`a, Vishamaas`hana, Taambula

Search Anveshaka
खोज करें Dravya, Kalpa, Aahaara, Vihaara, Chikitsaa Karma For

Rasa– Madhura
Veerya Ushn`a
Gun`a Teeks`hna
Adhikaara Raajayakshmaa, Shosha
Indicated in Vyaadhi Raajayakshmaa, Shosha,Kshaya
Arha Vyaadhi – Raajayakshmaa

Last updated on February 19th, 2021 at 04:42 am

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