Keyword | चिकित्सा |
Type | C. |
Etymology/ Definition | याभि: क्रियाभिर्जायन्ते शरीरे धातव: समा: । सा चिकित्सा विकाराणाम् । च.सू.१६।३४ चतुर्णां भिषगादीनां शस्तानां धातुवैकृते । प्रवृत्तिर्धातुसाम्यार्था चिकित्सेत्यभिधीयते । च.सू.९/५ |
Reference | C.Su.16/34, C.Su.9/5 |
Literary Meaning | Treatment, management of disease, M / W – practice or science of medicine ( esp. therapeutics, one of the six sections of med .) |
Implied Meaning | The term ‘ Chikitsaa’ implies the action initiated by the physician to achieve Dhaatu Saamya ( equilibrium state of body constituents ) as well as equilibrium of Dosha . |
Elaboration | Any measure when adopted helps to establish the disturbed equilibrium of the body constituents it is termed as चिकित्सा . This should be carried out by only a competent and qualified Vaidya ( physician ). This is the aim of चिकित्सा . Every action or effort of a physician towards the equilibrium of Dosha and Dhaatu with the help of medicinal or non – medicinal form may also label as चिकित्सा . |
Synonyms | Rukpratikriyaa , Rogaapanayana , Roganidaana – pratikaara , Vyaadhiharam , Pathyam , Prakriti Sthaapanam , Hitam , Praayas`hchittam , Pras`hamanam |
Contemporary Colloquial | Treatment |
Antonym | Achikitsaa |
Last updated on June 10th, 2021 at 11:38 am