Keyword | Dhaavana(Yoni Dhaavana) |
Type | C. |
Etymology/ Definition | धावने प्रक्षालने । सु.चि.२२/३१ डल्हण |
Reference | S.Chi.22/31 D`alhan`a |
Literary Meaning | M / W – washing, cleansing |
Implied Meaning | It is a type of treatment procedure, which is advocated for purification of body parts. |
Elaboration | Due to causative factors, vitiated Dosha get lodged into various body parts. Purificatory measure used for the removal of deeply situated Dosha is called Dhaavana . E. g. Vran`a Dhaavana ( purification of ulcers ), Yoni Dhaavana ( Vaginal douche ). Substances used for purification are mainly of astringent taste. Some regularly used astringent substances are: Lodhra , Manjisht`haa , Khadira . |
Synonyms | Vis`hodhana |
Last updated on June 14th, 2021 at 04:52 am