विषय सूची पर जायें


Etymology/ Definitionवास्तुविद्याकुशल: प्रशस्तं रम्यमतमस्कं निवातं प्रवातैकदेशं दृढमपगतश्वापदशुदंष्ट्रि मूषिकपतङ्गं सुविभक्तसलिलोलूखलमूत्रवर्च:स्थानस्नानभूमिमहानसमृतुसुखं यथर्तुशयनासनास्तरणसंपन्नं कुर्यात्, सुविहितरक्षाविधानबलिमङ्गलहोमप्रायिश्चत्तं शुचिवृद्धवैद्यानुरक्तजनसंपूर्णम् । इति कुमारागार विधिः । च.शा.८/५९
Literary MeaningPaediatric ward, M / W – child’s room, nursery
Implied MeaningIt is a specially designed room where newborn baby is to be kept.
ElaborationKumaaraagaara should be well built and spacious. It should be provided with adequate illumination. It should be devoid of blowing winds but should have good ventilation. It should be free from the wild animals and insects like mosquitoes, rodents etc. The clothing and beddings of the child should be washed well, exposed to sun and fumigated regularly.
Contemporary ColloquialPaediatric ward

Last updated on June 14th, 2021 at 11:31 am

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