विषय सूची पर जायें

Pitta Dosha

KeywordPitta Dosha
Etymology/ Definitionतप संतापे । सु. सू. २१/५, संतापार्थस्य तप धातोरचिप्रत्यये अकारस्येत्वे वर्णविपर्यये तस्य च द्वित्वे कृते पित्तमिति रूपम् । सु. सू. २१/५ डल्हण
ReferenceC.Su.12/11, S.Su.21/5, A.H.Su.1/11, A.Sha.3/80
Literary MeaningM/W-bile , the bilious humour (one of the three humours or that secreted between the stomach and bowels and flowing through the liver and permeating spleen , heart , eyes , and skin ; its chief quality is heat.
Implied MeaningThe word Pitta is derived from ‘ Tapa Santaape’ , which means intense heat. Pitta represents the energy and heat in the body. It is the key element required for digestion.
ElaborationThe physical and biological properties of Pitta represent the combination of properties of energy ( Teja ) and liquid ( Aapa ) elements. It is hot, light, clear, and slightly unctuous and has penetrating ability. It is liquid in consistency and hence mobile. It is pungent and sour in taste and has strong and raw meat like ( Visragandha ) smell. If Teja is dominant, then it tends to move upwards, if Aapa element is dominant, then it moves in the direction of gravity. It increases the catabolic processes everywhere in the body. It maintains the colour, complexion, and lustre of the skin. Its main sites are digestive tract, body fluids, sweat, blood, skin, eyes, and brain.
There are five subtypes of Pitta viz. Paachaka Ranjaka Saadhaka Aalochaka, and Bhraajaka .
SynonymsAgni Vahni Vais`hvaanara, Maayuh
Contemporary ColloquialDigestive Enzymes

Last updated on June 16th, 2021 at 05:45 am

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