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Etymology/ Definition उपनाहो बन्धनम्‌ । अ.हृ.सू.१७।३ अरुणदत्त,
वचादिभिर्य: स्वेद: क्रियते स उपनाह: । अ.हृ.सू. १७/३ हेमाद्रि
ReferenceS.Chi.1/23, S.Chi.32/12, D`alhan`a, A.H.Su.17/2 Arun`adatta
Literary MeaningM / W – a plaster, unguent ( applied to a wound or sore ), a cover, poultice
Implied MeaningIt is a type of sudation taking help of poultice prepared from various substances.
It is the third of Sapta Vran`opakrama.
Elaboration1. It is an application of poultice prepared from Vachaa , yeast, S`hataahvaa Devadaaru , any kind of grains, substances having pleasant smell, roots of Raasnaa and Eran`d`a or meat.
Depending on the involvement of vitiated Dosha, selection of substances for poultice is as follow:Involved Doshaa_sSubstances usedVaataSalt, fats (oil, Ghee), Chukra (vinegar), Takra (buttermilk), and milkVaata KaphaSurasaadi Gan`aVaata + PittaPadmakaadi Gan`aAfter applying the poultice, the part of the body should be bandaged with soft pieces of leather, which are devoid of any smell. It should be slightly warmed and tied. If leather is not available leaves of plants, which are Vaatahara ( pacifying Vaata ) are used.
The poultice tied during night should be removed during day and the one tied during day should be removed during night.
2. If it is applied in Aama Avasthaa of शोथ ( oedema ), then it pacifies it. If it is applied in the early stage of Pachyamaanaavasthaa of शोथ , then it reduces tenderness and pain.
Contemporary ColloquialPoultice

Last updated on June 18th, 2021 at 06:23 am

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