विषय सूची पर जायें


Etymology/ Definitionप्रजाताया: प्रजननशोणितसंजनितशूलो मक्कल्ल: अवरुद्ध रक्तपाक जनितो विद्रधिरपि मक्कल्ल:। सु.शा.१०/२२ डल्हण प्रजननशोलीतसंजनितशूलं मक्कल्ल: । सु. शा. १०/२२ डल्हण
ReferenceS.Ni.8/6, S.Sha.10/22 D`alhan`a
Literary MeaningM / W – a dangerous abscess in the abdomen ( peculiar to lying – in women )
Implied MeaningA type of S`hoola related with puerperal stage. Vaayu withholding blood, produces pain in pelvic region ( Basti S`hira Prabhritishu – D`alhan`a ). This is called Makkalla .
ElaborationA woman who has delivered a child and has a roughened body and blood, which is not eliminated by intense and sharp drugs, gets fully obstructed by Vaayu situated in that region. It creates nodular structure below umbilicus, in flanks, pelvis or neck of the urinary bladder giving rise to pain in umbilicus, pelvis and abdomen, pricking and tearing pain in large intestine, distension all around in abdomen, and retention of urine. This is the feature of Makkalla.
If a type of Mood`ha Garbha ( Mal presentation of foetus ) is associated with Makkalla S`hoola , then Sus`hruta advises not to treat such patients.
In this condition decoction of Veerataraadi Gan`a ( group ) added with Ooshakaadi drugs should be administered.

Last updated on June 15th, 2021 at 06:18 am

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