विषय सूची पर जायें


ReferenceC.Su.5/16, A.H.2/8
Literary MeaningM / W – Clearing of vision / sight / the faculty of seeing
Implied MeaningTreatment that makes eyes clean and bright and maintains good vision
ElaborationRegular use of Anjana ( application of medicines into the eyes / collyrium ) makes the eyes clean and bright and helps to maintain good vision. Anjana is included in Dinacharyaa i. e. code of conduct. Teja Mahaabhoota is dominant in eyes. Hence, the eyes are prone to diseases caused by Kapha Dosha Anjana protects the eyes from these diseases. Abhyanga or Paadaabhyanga ( massage of oil to the soles of feet ) also makes the eyes clean and bright and helps to maintain normal vision.

Last updated on March 12th, 2021 at 05:24 am

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