विषय सूची पर जायें


Etymology/ Definitionवायुर्यो वक्त्रसंचारी स प्राणो नाम देहधृक्। सु. नि. १/१३
ReferenceC.Chi.28/4, S.Ni.1/13., S.Sha.1/17 D`alhan`a, S.Sha. 4/3 A.H.Su.12/4, A.H.Ni.16/56
Literary MeaningLife
Implied MeaningThis is one of the five subtypes of Vaata Dosha . It is situated mainly in the mouth and supports the body . It carries food inwards and also sustains other types of Praan ` aa _ s .

ElaborationIt is situated in the head and moves all over the body . Its actions are mainly observed in the head , chest , heart , throat , nose , and in the umbilicus ( the site of Jaat ` haraagni ).
Vitiation of Praan ` a Vaayu leads to manifestations like hiccough , heart diseases , S ` hvaasa ( breathlessness ), diseases of the sense organs etc .
is one of the twelve Praan ` aa _ s . These are those entities , which sustain the life process and are equated with life itself . They circulate all over the internal environment through the Rasa . They are twelve in number : Agni , Soma , Vaayu , Sattva , Rajas , Taamasa , five sense organs and the Soul .
SynonymsPraan ` a Vaayu
Contemporary ColloquialPraan ` a Vaayu

Last updated on June 16th, 2021 at 05:55 am

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