Keyword | Avasthaa (Dosha / Vyaadhi) |
Type | N./C. |
Etymology/ Definition | व्याधेरवस्थाः कालकृता दशाः । अ.ह्र.सू.१२/५४ अरूणदत्त, अवस्थाः रूपेष्ववान्तरं रूपम् । अ.ह्र. सू.१२/६७ हेमाद्रि |
Reference | A.H.Su.12/55 Arun`adatta |
Literary Meaning | M / W – Stage, phase or condition |
Implied Meaning | It indicates a stage in the process of pathogenesis or the disease itself. |
Elaboration | Sus`hruta has described that all diseases pass through six stages of evolution before they manifest themselves. Theses are Avasthaa of निदान ( pathogenesis ). Stages of the disease itself like its curability or otherwise, need for surgical intervention, presence of complications, signs of fatality etc are Avasthaa of Vyaadhi ( disease ). Correct assessment of the stage is important for prognostic as well as for diease management. |
Synonyms | Kriyaa Kaala |
Contemporary Colloquial | Stage of disease |
Last updated on June 10th, 2021 at 06:52 am