विषय सूची पर जायें


TypeD. G.
Etymology/ Definitionदृढने कठिन:।अ.हृ.सू १/१८ हेमाद्रि
ReferenceA.H.Su.1/18 Hemaadri
Literary MeaningHardness
Implied MeaningIt implies hardness . Presence of this Gun ` a brings about hardness , firmness and steadiness in the constituents of the body .
ElaborationThis Gun ` a aggravates Vaata ( Vaata Vardhaka ). This has dominance of Prithvee Mahaabhoota . It strengthens Dhaatu _ s by reducing the water content of Malaa _ s , makes the faeces very hard and hardens the edges of wounds . This Gun ` a mainly resides in Asthi Dhaatu ( bones ), which contribute in forming the body frame .
SynonymsDrid ` ha
Contemporary ColloquialHard , Tough

Last updated on June 14th, 2021 at 09:26 am

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