Keyword | Pravichaaran`aa |
Type | C |
Etymology/ Definition | प्रविचारणा प्रकर्षेण विशेषात् चर्य्यते भक्षणपानलेहाभ्यञ्जनादिरुपेण उपसेव्यते यत् तत् प्रविचारणा। च. सू. १३/२५ गंगाधर |
Reference | C.Su.13/25 Gangaadhara |
Implied Meaning | Pravichaaran`aa is a type of oleation. It means consuming unctuous substances in the form of various dietary preparations or utilising them in the form of Upakrama like नस्य ( nasal administration of drugs ), Basti ( medicated enema ), अभ्यंग ( rubbing the body ) etc. |
Elaboration | In case a person is advised oleation but has a revulsion for it, the methods adopted to administer the unctuous substance is called Pravichaaran ` aa. Charaka described 24 types of Pravichaaran ` aa. Out of 24 Pravichaaran`aa of Sneha the first sixteen are of dietary preparations like Odana , Vilepee , Rasa , Maamsa etc. and the rest are in the form of procedures. A competent physician should use these various forms of Pravichaaran ` aa in patients by considering factors like S`haareera Saatmya ( things wholesome and homologous for the body ), Ritu Saatmya , and disease. |
Synonyms | Vichaaran`aa |
Antonym | Achchha Sneha |
Last updated on June 16th, 2021 at 07:04 am