विषय सूची पर जायें


ReferenceC.Su.5/95, C.Su.5/96
Literary MeaningM / W – Removing evil fortune , bad luck , distress , poverty
Implied MeaningThings that help to get rid of dirtiness, dullness and poverty etc.
ElaborationA ) Dinacharyaa means code of conduct for day – to – day life. It includes the measures to be taken to get rid of dirtiness, dullness sloth and slovenliness from one’s life which lead to various psychosomatic, sensorimotor and spiritual maladies. The shabbiness and other conditions constitute Alakshmee . Some of the measures to counter Alakshmee are as under –
1. To ware clean clothes.
2. To have Lepa ( to apply on the skin ) of medicines having pleasant smell such as Sandal.
3. To ware the flowers having pleasant fragrance.
4. To clean and wash the legs and the excretory organs repeatedly.
B ) Alakshmeekghna Formulations – Such formulations are described in Charaka Samhitaa, e. g Mahaaapanchagavya Ghrita ( C. Chi. 10 / 24 ), Kalyaan`aka Ghrita ( C. Chi. 9 / 41 ).

Last updated on March 10th, 2021 at 09:35 am

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