Keyword | Mootravaha Srotas |
Type | S. |
Etymology/ Definition | ¨ÉÚjɴɽýÉxÉÉÆ »ÉÉäiɺÉÉÆ ¤ÉκiɨÉÚÇ™Æü ´ÉRÂûIÉhÉÉè SÉ, |ÉnÖüxüÉxÉÉÆ iÉÖ Jɱ´Éä¹ÉÉʨÉnÆü ʴɶÉä¹ÉÊ´ÉYÉÉxÉÆ ¦É´ÉÊiÉ; iÉtlÉÉ–+ÊiɺÉÞxü¨ÉÊiɤÉrÆü |ÉEÖúÊ{Éiɨɱ{Éɱ{ɨɦÉÒIhÉÆ ´ÉÉ ¤É½ý™Æü ºÉ¶ÉÚ™Æü ¨ÉÚjɪÉxiÉÆ oü«üÉ ¨ÉÚjɴɽýÉxªÉºªÉ »ÉÉäiÉÉÆ漃 |ÉnÖüxüÉxÉÒÊiÉ Ê´ÉtÉiÉ * SÉ. Ê´É. 5 ¨ÉÚjɴɽäý uäü, iɪÉÉä¨ÉÚÇ™Æü ¤ÉκiɨÉæfÅÆ SÉ, iÉjÉ Ê´ÉrüºªÉÉxÉrü¤ÉκiÉiÉÉ ¨ÉÚjÉÊxÉ®ÉävÉ: ºiɤvɨÉäfÅiÉÉ SÉ * ºÉÖ. ¶ÉÉ. 9/12 |
Reference | S.Sha.10/12, C.Vi.5/8 |
Literary Meaning | Mootra means the fluid secreted by the kidneys, urine. ( M. W .) |
Implied Meaning | Channel responsible for formation, storage and excretion of urine |
Elaboration | Urinary tract comprises of Vrikka , Basti ( Urinary Bladder ) and Gavinee ( ureter ). Process of urine formation, storage and excretion takes place in Mootravaha Srotas . Moolasthaana ( origin of channel ) – Basti, Med`hra Causes of vitiation – Mootritasya Udaka Sevana, Bhakshya Sevana, Stree Sevana, Mootra Nigraha, Ksheen`a, Abhikshata Viddha Lakshan`a ( symptoms of derangement ) – Aanaddha Bastitaa, Mootra Nirodha, Stabdha Med`hrataa Vitiation of this Srotas should be treated like Mootrakrichchhra . |
Last updated on March 16th, 2021 at 09:21 am