विषय सूची पर जायें


Implied MeaningIt is a procedure in which medicated oil is retained over the head for a specific length of time using a broad circular leather band.
ElaborationAn important procedure in which a leather belt of one – foot width ( Dvaadas`haangula ) is tied around the head just above the ears. The joint of head and the band is packed from inside with cotton and thick paste of Black gram flour. Warm medicated oil is slowly poured over the vault of the cranium till it forms a column of an inch and a half. It is kept warm by regularly replacing a small quantity for a specified length of time.
It is a very effective treatment for Vaayu disorders, mental disorders, insomnia and it helps to nourish the brain and the sense organs. Replenish the Praan`a.

Last updated on March 18th, 2021 at 05:15 am

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