विषय सूची पर जायें

Kanda Varga

KeywordKanda Varga
Literary MeaningM / W – A bulbous or tuberous root
ElaborationKanda Varga comprises group of different rhizomes like Vidaareekanda, S`hataavaree ( Asparagus root ), Suran`a ( Elephant Yam ), S`hringaat`aka ( Water chest nut ), Kas`heruka, Pin`d`aaluka, Madhvaaluka, Hastyaaluka, Kaasht`haaluka, S`hamkhaaluka, Raktaaluka, Indeevara, Utpalakanda, etc.
General qualities of rhizomes:
1. Raktapitta Naas`haka
2. Cold potency
3. Sweet in taste
4. Heavy to digest
5. Increases semen
6. Lactogenic
S`hringabera has best qualities amongs of all rhizomes.

Last updated on March 12th, 2021 at 10:07 am

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