विषय सूची पर जायें


Etymology/ Definitionपायना त्रिविधा क्षारोदकतैलेषु । सु. सू. ८/१२
Literary MeaningM / W – moistening
Implied MeaningWorking on a sharp instrument for further use.
ElaborationThe procedure of dipping a sharp instrument in Jala ( water ), Tail ( oil ), after heating is called Paayanaa . It increases hardness of the sharp instruments.
Sus`hruta describes 3 types of Paayana:
Kshaarapaayitam – Maximum hardness to a sharp instrument is achieved by using Kshaara ( caustic alkalies ). Such instruments are used for incision over hard body structures like bones.
Udakapaayitam – Medium hardness to a sharp instrument is achieved by using water. Such instruments are used for incision over structures like muscles.
Tailapaayitam – Low level of sharpness is achieved by using oil. Such instruments are used to puncture tendons and vessels.
Contemporary ColloquialHoning the sharp instrument

Last updated on June 16th, 2021 at 04:55 am

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