विषय सूची पर जायें


Etymology/ Definitionपञ्चधा शोधनं च तत्। निरुहो वमनं कायशिरोरेकोऽस्रविस्रुति:। अ.हृ.सू. १४/५
Literary MeaningFive ( therapeutic ) procedures
Implied Meaningपंचकर्म ( five methods of purification ) is a cleansing and rejuvenating procedure for the body and mind. They are वमन ( emesis ), Virechana ( purgation ), Nirooha Basti ( medicated enema ), नस्य ( Nasal administration of drug, Errhines ), and रक्तमोक्षण ( bloodletting ).
ElaborationThese five procedures are used to physically eliminate the vitiated Dosha, hence these are called Pancha S`hodhana .
Each procedure has a specific method with Poorvakarma Pradhaanakarma and Pas`chaatkarma and is predominantly related with a specific Dosha . Oleation and Sudation are main prerequisites for these procedures, by which Dosha are liquefied and then brought in Kosht`ha to remove through the nearest path.
1. वमन – It is a medicine – induced emesis advocated to an individual primarily to eliminate vitiated or aggravated Kapha and secondarily to eliminate vitiated or aggravated Pitta .
2. Virechana – It is a medicine – induced purgation advocated to an individual essentially to eliminate vitiated Pitta Dosha .
3. Basti – It is a medicated enema administered in the various diseases developed due to aggravated Vaata .
4. नस्य – It is a Nasal administration of a drug in the form of medicated oil or powder or juice predominantly used in Kapha and Vaata related diseases of the supra – clavicular region.
5. रक्तमोक्षण – It means bloodletting, which is mainly indicated in various diseases resulting from vitiated, impure blood.

Last updated on June 16th, 2021 at 05:00 am

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