विषय सूची पर जायें


Etymology/ Definitionआहारविदाहः – भुक्तमात्रस्य आहारस्य अम्लिकादि सद्भावः । सु. उ. ४२/११ डल्हण
विदाहम् – अम्लपाकम् । सु. उ. ६४/१० डल्हण
विदग्धम् – किञ्चिद् विपक्वम्, अम्लभावगतम्, उक्तं च सुश्रुते – विदग्धसंज्ञं गतम् अम्लभावम् । मा. नि. ६/११ आत्रुदर्पणम्
विदग्धस्य – पक्वापक्वस्य । च. चि. १५/१० चक्रपाणि
Literary MeaningM / W – burning
Implied MeaningThis is a state of food which is partly digested and partly undigested.
ElaborationVidaaha is a term generally used in regard with digestion. Ayurveda explains Avasthaapaaka in the process of digestion. These are –
Madhura Avasthaapaaka – food turns to sweetness
Amla Avasthaapaaka – food becomes acidic / sour
Kat`u Avasthaapaaka – food becomes pungent
If, food is more acidic, than all other tastes ; then in the second stage of digestion, the acidity increases considerably. This is Amla Avasthaapaaka , where food is partly digested and partly undigested.
Chakrapaan`i says that generally, all type of food enters in to Amla Avasthaapaaka ; but when this Avasthaapaaka is observed more than its normal level ; then only it manifests with Vidaaha .
e. g. Maricha, Sarshapa, Kareera , etc
Contemporary ColloquialAcidic

Last updated on June 18th, 2021 at 11:02 am

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