Keyword | Kan`t`hyam |
Type | D.G. |
Etymology/ Definition | कंठ्य स्वर्यम् /अ.हृ.सू.५।६० |
Reference | A.H.Su.5/60, C.Su.4/8 |
Literary Meaning | M / W – suitable to the throat |
Implied Meaning | Substances , which are beneficial to improve quality of voice is called Kan ` t ` hya . |
Elaboration | Kan ` t ` ha ( throat ) is the seat of Kapha . Voice , which is made up of Maamsa Dhaatu originates from it . Substances , which pacify aggravated Kapha and strengthen Maamsa Dhaatu , are helpful to improve quality of voice . Excessive speech creates depletion of Rasa and Ojas , and hence the substances increasing Rasa and Ojas are also Kan ` t ` hya . Vitiated Udaana Vaayu is responsible for abnormalities of voice . Substances , which regularise the normal function of Udaana Vaata are also Kan ` t ` hya e . g . Madhuka , Kant ` akaari . |
Synonyms | Svarya |
Contemporary Colloquial | Beneficial to throat and voice |
Antonym | Kant ` haghnam |
Last updated on June 14th, 2021 at 08:53 am