विषय सूची पर जायें


Etymology/ Definitionयद् अच्छमन्नस्य किट्टं तन्मूत्रं विद्यात् । अ.ह्र.शा.३/६१ अरुणदत्त
ReferenceC.Sha.7/15, A.H.Su.11/5, A.H.Su 1/13, S.Ni.3/21, A.H.Sha.3/61 Arun`adatta
Literary MeaningM / W – the fluid secreted by the kidneys , urine
Implied MeaningUrine is the fluid waste product of the body. After digestion of food the useful portions absorbed in the small intestine are in the form of Rasa . The remaining portion is termed as Kit`t`a , which is further differentiated in to liquid as well as solid waste products. Liquid waste is called Mootra .
ElaborationUrine carrying channels in the intestine saturate the bladder with urine constantly by Upasnehana Nyaaya . Bladder is filled up with oozing of urine carried by the channels from the region between the stomach and the intestine. Thousands of openings of these channels are invisible due to minuteness. Unlike modern physiology Ayurveda has different views about the formation of urine .)
Liquid ( Aapa ) and energy ( Teja ) elements are predominant in urine.
To excrete Kleda ( liquid waste ) is the main function of Mootra ( Urine )
Pathological conditions give rise to change in urine colour and constitution. E. g. in Jaundice urine has dark yellow appearance, in प्रमेह ( Diabetes ) urine colour and appearance has specific significance as per the subtypes.
SynonymsDrava Kleda
Contemporary ColloquialUrine

Last updated on June 15th, 2021 at 08:42 am

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