Keyword | Taila |
Type | B.P. |
Etymology/ Definition | तिलेषु भवं तैलं तिलतैलम् । सु. सू.४५/११२ डल्हण अत्र यद्यपि योगाद् तिलभवमेव तैलं तथापि रूढ्या इह सर्व एव स्थावरस्नेहाः तैल इति उच्यन्ते । च.सू. १३/११ चक्रपाणि |
Reference | S.Su.46/112 |
Literary Meaning | M / W – sesame oil |
Implied Meaning | In Ayurveda the term Taila indicates Tila Taila ( sesame oil ). Specific terms are used to indicate various oils. E. g. castor oil, mustard oil etc. |
Elaboration | Sesame oil is unctuous in nature, hot in potency, and sweet in taste and विपाक ( post digestive taste ). It has attributes like intense, weight promoting, satiating, and quickly assimilable. It enters into minute channels. It is non – slimy, heavy, moving, moisturises skin ( Tvak Prasaadana ), acts as aphrodisiac, and promotes intellect, softness, musculature, firmness, complexion and strength. It is wholesome for eyes, anti – diuretic with bitter and astringent tastes as subsidiary tastes, digestive, pacifies Vaata and Kapha , removes worms, slightly emaciates, increases Pitta , alleviates pain in female genital tract, head and ears. It is used in different traumatic conditions. |
Synonyms | Tilodbhavam |
Last updated on June 17th, 2021 at 11:03 am