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Etymology/ Definition शिर:संस्थोऽक्षतर्पणात्‌ तर्पक:। अ.हृ.सू.१२/१८
Literary MeaningM / W – satiating
Implied MeaningIt is one of the five types of Kapha and it is situated in S ` hira ( cranium ). It is called Tarpaka . It nourishes all sense organs .
ElaborationTarpaka Kapha imparts nourishment to the sense organs ( Indriya Tarpan ` aat Tarpakah ) ( A . Sn . Su . 20 / 4 ). Some authorities equate it with the Cerebrospinal fluid of the central nervous system .
Contemporary ColloquialCerebro spinal fluid

Last updated on June 17th, 2021 at 11:12 am

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