विषय सूची पर जायें

S`hukravaha Srotas

KeywordS`hukravaha Srotas
Etymology/ Definition शुक्रवहानां स्रोतसां वृषणौ मूलं शेफश्च । च. वि. ५
शुक्रवहे द्वे, तयोर्मूलं स्तनौ वृषणौ च, तत्र विद्धस्य क्लीबता चिरात्‌ प्रसेको रक्तशुक्रता च । सु. शा. ९/१२
ReferenceS.Sha.10/12, C.Vi.5/8
Literary MeaningS`hukra mean semen, seed of animals ( male and female ), sperm. ( M. W .)
Implied MeaningMale Reproductive System
ElaborationIt comprises of scrotum ( Vrishan`a ), penis ( Med`hra ). S`hukra ( semen ) is manifested in puberty till the old age. S`hukra is responsible for formation of foetus / fertilisation of the mature ovum.
Moolasthaana ( origin of channel ) – Stana, Vrishan`a
Viddha Lakshan`a ( Symptoms of derangement ) – Kleebataa, Chiraata S`hukra Praseka, Rakta S`hukrataa
Causes of Vitiation – Akaala Yoni Gamana, Nigrahaat, Ati Maithuna, S`hastra, Kshaara

Last updated on June 17th, 2021 at 04:06 am

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