विषय सूची पर जायें

Prasaha Varga

KeywordPrasaha Varga
Etymology/ Definitionप्रसह्य आहृत्य भक्षणाद् प्रसहाः । अ. हृ. सू. ६/४८ अरुणदत्त प्रसह्य हृत्वा भक्षयन्ति इति प्रसहाः । अ. हृ. सू. ६/४८ हेमाद्रिः
Literary MeaningGroup of animals who violently defeat other animal and eat them.
Implied MeaningThese are the birds or animals that eat their food by snatching it away from others or they kill their rival animal and eat them.
Birds and four legged animals ( Chatushpaada ) are considered under this group.
ElaborationPrasaha means birds or animals that eat their food by snatching it away from others or they kill their rival animal and eat them. Attributes of meat of such animals or birds are mentioned under Prasaha Varga . This group comprises of the animals like As`hva ( horse ), Maarjaara ( cat ), Usht`ra ( camel ) etc. and birds like Chaasha ( Blue jay ), Kaaka ( crow ), Bhaasa, Ulooka Ghooka – an owl ), etc.
The meat of these animals / birds is slight salty. Its विपाक is Kat`u . It is Maamsavardhaka and useful in Grahan`ee, S`hosha .

Last updated on June 16th, 2021 at 06:55 am

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