विषय सूची पर जायें


Etymology/ Definitionविशेषेण मीयते ज्ञायते दोषभेषजाद्यनेनेति विमानं,दोषभेषजादीनां प्रभावादिविशेष
ReferenceC.Vi.1/1 Chakrapaan`i.
Literary MeaningMaana is measure or numerical rendering, Sthaana means chapter.
Implied MeaningIt is a distinctive set of eight chapters in Charaka Samhitaa , which deals with characteristic description of Dosha Bheshaja ( drugs ).
ElaborationWhile defining Ayurveda Charaka has mentioned different types of life and their span or measure. He has written a set of eight chapters in his treatise, which are collectively called Vimaana Sthaana
He describes in a mathematical manner the relationship of Dosha with their Bheshaja , the various factors responsible for Bala ( strength ), Aahaara Parin aama , types of Sambhaashaa ( conversation ), tenfold examination of the patient, six tastes and the substances included in their groups etc.

Last updated on June 18th, 2021 at 11:11 am

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