AayurVidnyaana Kosha is encyclopedia of Ayurveda.
The AayurVidnyaana Kosha window is divided into two frames. The left frame has three tabs, Contents, Search and New Window. Right frame is for viewing the document.
About AayurVidnyaana Kosha
- AyuSoft encyclopedia elaborates scientific basis, theory and strength of Ayurveda in a dynamic form.
- Key topic of different subjects highlighted with their clinical applications.
- This includes information regarding Ayurvedic concepts, current status of Ayurveda and related research articles.
- The Encyclopedia of AyuSoft includes articles from eminent people related with the field of Ayurveda.
- The Articles are focused and classified according to the respective subjects to cover all the branches of Ayurveda.
- AyuSoft Encyclopedia provides elaboration of various topics required for decision support.
- These are made available in form of guidelines for patient assessment, Panchakarma And allied Karma, pathogenesis and theory of disease.
- The AyuSoft Ayurvedic data is captured from the texts which are Charaka Samhitaa, Sus`hruta Samhitaa, Asht`aanga Hridaya and Maadhava Nidaana. These texts are the prime and authentic texts for the uniform and genuine information.
- The history of the texts is captured and explained under the title of Introduction to Samhitaa
- The Encyclopedia explains the basic principles of Ayurvedic science, which supports the knowledge for the root of diagnosis, structure and functional concepts behind the theory of ancient fundamental principles.
- AyuSoft Encyclopedia has authentic collection of photographs, clips of Panchakarma and allied therapies (Chikitsaa Karma) / examination and treatments, audio files of oblations and guidelines wherever and whenever required.
- Encyclopedia of AyuSoft is also aware of the ever-growing research in the field of Ayurveda, thus, to keep the user updated with today’s world AyuSoft provides some of the important links of registered sites and associations of Ayurveda.
- Selecting this option will help in navigating through AayurVidnyaana Kosha contents.
- Click on the book to view its content and on clicking the page; detailed contents of the particular topic will be displayed. If selected topic is a video clip, it will be opened using windows media player, click on Play button to watch the clip. Click New Window option to view the selected topic in maximized screen.
- If it is a multimedia gallery, all the pictures under the selected topic will be loaded in right frame. Click on the link below the picture, to view the magnified picture and its details if any.
- Ayurveda Samhitaa: – This part contains digitalized copy of Charaka Samhitaa, Sus`hruta Samhitaa & Asht`aanga Hridaya.
- Articles: – This part contains articles highlighting various aspects of Ayurveda.
- Multimedia gallery: – It comprises of photographs of Herbs, Instruments, and Diseases etc.
- Chikitsaa Karma clips: – It comprises video clips of Chikitsaa Karma like Vamana, Raktamokshan`a etc. with narration.
· Facility to search in Ayurveda Samhitaa, Multimedia gallery, AyuSoft database, Chikitsaa Karma & Articles is provided.
· Selecting this option makes possible for you to limit search to the specific category of the current topic in two languages either English or Sanskrit.
· To change the scope of search for English language, select one of the filters from the following list.
§ Encyclopedia
§ Procedures
§ Multimedia
- Type the word in the Search textbox or you can use a keyboard for typing in the Search textbox (depending upon the selected language), which will appear on click of Sanskrit button placed on left side of main frame if the focus is on the same textbox and Caps Lock of your keyboard is on. To begin search click on GO button or press Enter.
- To enable full text search, check the checkbox beside the Search Textbox.
- Related links where the word entered is present will be displayed in left frame, click on the required link to view the related article in right frame with the highlighted word entered for searching.
§ If you select word Chhardi (in English) in Articles then it will show where that word appeared in Articles.
§ If you select word Vamana (in English) in Chikitsaa Karma then it will show video clip of Vamana Chikitsaa Karma.
§ If you select word Vamana (in English) in AyuSoft database then it will show all treatment related information of Vamana from AyuSoft database.
§ If you select word Chhardi (in Sanskrit) in Ayurveda Samhitaa then it will show where that word appeared in Ayurveda Samhitaa.
§ If you select word S`hataavaree (in English) in Multimedia Gallery then it will show image of S`hataavaree.
Ayurveda Samhitaa
Charaka Samhitaa, Sus`hruta Samhitaa and Asht`aanga Hridaya are available in digitalized form.
Digitalized Texts have the facility for instant reference and search for particular word or character from Charaka Samhitaa, Sus`hruta Samhitaa and Asht`aanga Hridaya.
Structure of Ayurveda Samhitaa : –
Name of Samhitaa : Sthaana of Samhitaa : Name of Adhyaaya
Charaka Samhitaaà Chikitsaa Sthaana à 03. Jvara Chikitsaa à Sootra.
The digitalized texts include only Sootra
Each Samhitaa is entitled with index and the name of the chapter in Content section.
Each Sthaana (section) has been separated for easy search.
Each chapter is a sub-section of Sthaana where Sthaana is a subsection of the Samhitaa. Therefore to Search for the reference of C.Chi.3/37. The user should first click on Charaka Samhitaa then on Chikitsaa Sthaana then on Jvara Chikitsaa (3rd chapter) and then look for the Sootra 37 in the Samhitaa getting displayed at the right side.
S.N | Samhitaa | Edition | Publication | Title and Edited by |
1 | Charaka | Fifth Edition – 2001 | Chaukhambaa Sanskrit Samsthaana, Varanasi | Charaka Samhitaa – Vaidya. Jadhavji Trikamji Acharya |
2 | Sus`hruta | Seventh Edition – 2002 | Chaukhambaa Orientaliya, Varanasi | Sus`hruta Samhitaa – Vaidya. Jadhavji Trikamji Acharya and Narayan Ram Acharya. |
3 | Asht`aanga Hridaya | Ninth Edition- 2002 | Chaukhambaa Orientaliya, Varanasi | Asht`aanga Hridaya – Bhishagacharya Harishashtri Paradkar Vaidya. |
Using this application user can do fast compilation. E.g. If user search for word

Then it will display:

Name of Samhitaa : Sthaana of Samhitaa : Name of Adhyaaya : Highlighted word
In AyuSoft database, interactive data is captured. But if user wants elaborative description then this section is very useful. In this section there are articles by stalwarts of Ayurveda highlighting various conceptual, theoretical & practical aspects of Ayurveda.
These articles are divided under various categories:-
- Basic Principles
- Nidaana
- Dravya Gun`a, Rasas`haashtra and Bhaishajya Kalpanaa
- Stree Roga and Prasooti Tantra and Baalaroga
- Kaayachikitsaa and Panchakarma
- Rasaayana and Vaajikaran`a
- S`halya and S`haalaakya
- Research and other
User can search particular word in articles.
Multimedia gallery–
The gallery includes images related to Anatomy, Physiology, images of herbs, clinical pictures of diseases & images of therapeutic procedures etc.
Images of plants, animals and other medicines included in Ayurveda E.g. – S`hataavaree (Asparagus racemosus) and S`hilaajatu (Black bitumen).
Images of clinical signs and symptoms mentioned for the disease.
Images showing actual procedures and instruments useful for operating the procedure.
User can search particular image in Multimedia gallery.
Chikitsaa Karma –
In this part you can view video clips of some clinical procedures with narration. These procedures provide idea about basic Karma. You can get detail information about that procedure through textual file of that Chikitsaa Karma described under the article section under Kaayachikitsaa category.
You can search particular clip in Chikitsaa Karma.
Note: For some words while searching it might show some extra topics in which the searced text will not be found. This will happen for Sanskrit word search where the word to be searched will become a different word, if converted to lowercase. This happens since the search mechanism converts all the words in lowercase before search process. It might also happen that some words searched in English might show that word is not found or might show some extra topic since words such as “beginning” will be search as “beginn” i.e it will removed stems (ing, ed, s, etc.) from the words before searching.
Transliteration Rules used in AyuSoft
a aa i ee u oo e ai o au am ah
ka kha ga gha
cha chha ja jha
t`a t`ha d`a d`ha n`a
ta tha da dha na
pa pha ba bha ma
ya ra la va s`ha sha sa ha l`a ksha dnya
Ashtanghridaya :- A.H.
Charaka Samhita :- C.
Sushruta Samhita :- S.
Sootra Sthaana :- Su.
Kalpa Sthaana :- K.
Shaareera Sthaana :- Sha.
Nidaana Sthaana :- Ni.
Chikitaa Sthaana :- Chi.
Siddhi Sthaana :- Si.
Uttara Tantra :- U.
Vimana Sthana:- V.
Indriya Sthana:- In.
Last updated on April 11th, 2022 at 04:39 am